Welcome to our Donor Portal! Treasure House is thrilled to introduce this new and powerful tool that allows you to stay connected with our organization. Whether you’re a supporter, donor, or just curious, the donor portal offers a seamless experience for securely self-managing your personal and donor information.
As a valued supporter, we invite you to explore this powerful platform where you can take control of your giving experience. With the donor portal, you can manage your profile, view your giving history, and even set up recurring gifts. Once inside, you’ll find a streamlined view of all the activities available to you. From making donations to managing saved payment methods, the donor portal empowers you to stay connected and make a difference.
Let’s get started! Email ChrisL@TreasureHouse.org for an invitation to access the portal.
· Give one-time or recurring gifts.
· Save payment methods to make future giving quick and easy.
· View details about previous online and offline giving, including cash or checks.
· Email yourself a statement of your gifts.
· Update your name and contact info to keep our office up-to-date.
· Opt-out of emails, newsletters, phone calls and/or solicitations. – coming soon
1. Email ChrisL@TreasureHouse.org for an invitation to access the portal.
2. You’ll receive an email from us inviting you to join the portal. Select Accept your invitation to create a portal account.
3. Verify the name and email address to use for your account. Please use an email address we have on file for you.
4. Check your email inbox for the 6-digit code to confirm your email address.
5. Create a password and sign in.
6. Bookmark the homepage in your browser so you can return to the portal as needed. If you need to sign in, enter your email address and password on the Blackbaud ID screen.
Contact Chris LeBlanc, Director of Donor Services at ChrisL@TreasureHouse.org or (602) 805-2586
The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.
Treasure House is a Gold Level GuideStar participant demonstrating our commitment to transparency.
Our Form 990 (officially, the "Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax") is a United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that provides the public with financial information about Treasure House. A Form 990 is also used by government agencies to prevent organizations from abusing their tax-exempt status.
Our non-profit audit is an examination of our financial documentation. The goal of this examination is to verify that Treasure House meets general accounting standards and to provide assurance that good stewardship is being used in the handling and accounting of funds and other assets.
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